Atlas and Collection of Surgical Cases

Will Be Published Soon

Atlas and Collection of Surgical Cases

Author: dr. Marlinda Adham, Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L, Subsp.Onk (K),PhD, FACS

Our institution, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia -Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital (FMUI-CMGH) received many referral patients from all over Indonesia with many types of problems.

ORL HNS department specifically Head and Neck Oncology Division treated hundreds of patients in daily basis. Unfortunately, many cases were coming in the advanced stages needing more complex treatment.

Management of head and neck cancer is multidisciplinary team (MDT) based and we are so fortunate that CMGH-FMUI has an excellent and solid MDT.

Surgery is one of the modalities of treatment for head and neck cancer. Many types of surgery performed in our center started from simple until more complicated procedure with various anatomical findings on the surgical table. These variations are a treasure of knowledge of to share to the medical society to adding on some valuable experience for head and neck oncology.

About the Author: admin

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